Key notes:
1. Your odds of walking away a winner can be massively increased by bringing along a big bank roll and aiming for a small profit.
2. The Kelly Criterion is not for beginners. If you can maintain a higher ROI with Kelly, then you're in the top 2%.
Kelly Criterion is only as good as its inputs. Be pessimistic.
The main reason not to use Kelly or Fractional Kelly is if you're betting on something where it's difficult to calculate your edge for whatever reason (which is very common).
You can consider risk of ruin to derive a maximum bet size that fits certain risk parameters. It is a good complement to the Kelly approach since it aims at keeping risk below a threshold instead of maximising returns.
You can use flat staking if you care about being limited, varying bet sizes is omega flag. Depends on the markets you’re betting into ofc, and to some degree the books.
3. Bet on prices not on picks.
4. To avoid getting limited you want to stick to spreads and money lines. You can often find mispriced lines like nobody’s business.
5. It's a question of when to quit; is it an amount? Is it when you reach your goal $? Gotta remember that at the end of the day and it's very important. This is for fun. Seriously, there's no other way to put it. The second this does not become fun, that's the end of gambling.
6. One of the most important ways to build your bankroll is to start tracking your bets. Our recommendation for beginners is to never bet more than 5% of your bankroll in a single day. That means that you can make more than one bet in a day, but the total amount you bet should never exceed more than 5% of your bankroll. If there is one piece of advice you take from these key points, it's this one.
7. Yes, the optimal way to grow bankroll is by being very aggressive when you have an edge. People tend not to use the full strategy to limit their exposure.
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